Vietnamese Student's Association of NSW

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Welcome to VSA’s completely revamped website. It’s a brand new year and although it might be a tiny bit late (only 4 months), the VSA NSW Marketing Team is proud to finally launch our brand new look. We are not the only ones ready to usher in a new year though. The State Team and each of the six university branches (including our new baby from Cumbo) were all too eager to welcome everyone to 2015:

State Team

The 2015 VSA NSW State Team is incredibly eager to bring you a whole heap of exciting events this year. In fact, we’ve already drowned ourselves when organising VSA State Dinner and have revived ourselves just so we could submerge ourselves in preparation again for our philanthropic Annual Charity Dinner. But if you think that all we have are reruns of old but beloved dinners, you’re wrong! Many keen beans on the team have begun planning new initiatives that go beyond fancy tea parties. To hint at just a few, we’ve got our much anticipated Moonlight Cinema, Peer Mentoring Program and Social Entrepreneurship Competition.

Remember that our aims do not only include enriching the community but also include developing our own leadership skills. So, if you’re not already part a VSA Committee, become involved by joining our volunteer database where you can lend (wo)manpower while building that resume.

Don’t forget to keep in touch with what’s going on via our revamped website and social media channels too!

University of Sydney

The 2015 VSA USYD Committee is comprised of many dynamic personalities who are united by a common purpose of providing a fulfilling uni life through societies and celebrating Vietnamese culture. This year, we hope to steer away from BBQs and give students a taste of authentic Vietnamese food, such as desserts and other cultural meals. VSA USYD aims to create unity in the team through this common interest, and provide members with an unforgettable experience of sharing a culture with others while also learning about it themselves. Membership is open to all ethnicities, as we aspire to embrace and promote a cultural exchange through a friendly environment.

University of Sydney (Cumberland)

VSA has finally arrived at Cumbo! With a fresh team and fresh new faces (along with some old ones!), we’re ready to breathe some life back into Cumbo (pun intended – we are opposite the largest cemetery in the Southern Hemisphere after all).

What is there to expect in 2015? VSA Cumbo is going to have our very own major event and share some awesome food, such as our famous VSA BBQs! What specifically? You’ll have to stay put and find out!

By the end of 2015, VSA hopes to develop our team to be better and stronger team players and leaders. We hope to make our first year a huge success, make our mark on Cumbo and continue this for the many years to come.

University of New South Wales

VSA UNSW, named UNSW’s Best Regular Club of the Year in 2014, is home to a tight knit family. With an extremely high retention rate from the 2014 team, VSA UNSW encompasses an enhanced and pristine vision that embodies the Vietnamese culture whilst enriching the university students’ experience and enjoyment. With a close knit team of 19, we have planned and organised an impeccable year with not only a variety of events but also focusing on the personal development of both team cohesion and synergy.

This year we have expanded upon our popular free food events catered to our university students, with an additional social, sporting and very proudly a philanthropic emphasis on charitable volunteering.

We highly encourage all students, both Vietnamese and Non-Vietnamese, to gather together and embrace the Vietnamese culture whilst sharing an unforgettable experience to enamour cultural unity!

University of Western Sydney

VSA UWS’ focus for 2015 is to enrich, empower and cultivate the younger generation. The team will strive to:

Enrich the cultural nature of Vietnamese history and integrate those elements in the youth of today. Namely, our Public Relations officers will understand the scope and be able to define what it means to be Vietnamese Australian.

Empower our UWS team with the right attitude to tackle and essentially be ready for whatever may come – whether that may be at the workforce, self-employment or voluntary positions. We aim to improve our people to see them be successful in whatever they pursue.

Cultivate the combination of education, passion and commitment to solidify our bond. As our leaders have passed down responsibilities, we shall also pass on our teaching and experience. Thus, the executive team will be outsourcing all available funds to nurture the younger generations.

With educative admissions aside, we also focus on the more merrier side of VSA. We set in motion a series of games, sporting activities and mind-boggling curriculum to challenge and personify our team.

University of Technology, Sydney

2015 brings to VSA UTS some very exciting times ahead. The 2015 team brings about a whole new level of talent, humour and strengths across all disciplines. This year, we hope to bring out the best of our committee by actively showing our on-campus presence, especially with the introduction of new events!

Thank you to all those members who signed up with VSA UTS, we are working very hard to bring forth a fantastic year full of exhilarating fun for you all! Make sure you like our Facebook page at ‘VSA UTS’ to stay updated on all of our events as well as opportunities that may open throughout the year to work with VSA!

Macquarie University

The new VSA MACQ 2015 is a solid team. We’ve picked the best of the best individuals who have demonstrated unique qualities and personalities. Everyone is chilled, friendly and rowdy. COME BE OUR FRIEND!
We’ll be hosting our usual major events like ‘Dodgeball’ and ‘Amazing Race’ this year, along with two other exciting surprises.
This year, we would like to promote teamwork and synergy throughout the organisation. VSA MACQ also hopes to shine by making everyone aware that we do exist and won’t be leaving – so come say hello!
2015. This is our year. Macquarie’s year.

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