Vietnamese Student's Association of NSW

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State Dinner is less than a week away guys!

So what’s State Dinner all about? It’s a chance for everyone from VSA committees to meet up with other committee members and see the fun and family of VSA.

And it looks like all of you are getting excited too! We’ve already gotten 200 people signed up and ready for a fun night of games and bonding.

So, what’s going to happen? We’ve got a program full of games all lined up (and prizes to be won) and a segment to showcase VSA in 2014.

We will also be commemorating the accomplishments of some very committed individuals in 2014.

If you like what you’re hearing, it’s not too late to sign up! If you want to attend, you should speak to your president at your university to get a spot for the dinner.

It’ll be a fun night!

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State Dinner 2014

This post was written by Danny Lam.

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