Vietnamese Student's Association of NSW

VSA Stepping Stones
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This Wednesday, we had the pleasure and honour of having 4 keynote speakers sharing their experiences and advice on self-development, personal branding, resume building and job-searching. We were proud to have such a great and warm reception for our first “Stepping Stones” event.

From Warren Bingham our keynote speaker, our attendees were enlightened with a journey of personal growth and perserverence – a detailed insight into the inner workings of such a well achieved and kind-hearted soul.

This was followed by Ajay Prakash who dedicated his workshop on the art of giving and how we should focus on giving rather than taking.

The meticulous Michael Li then highlighted key factors that recruiters point out when reviewing resumes and how applicants should be competitive through consistency and keeping to their core values.

Finally, the night ended with an in depth and interactive seminar by Jessica Pham who left our attendees with a feeling of hope and determination by exploring her view of the grit theory in the process of job searching.

We hope that as pioneering and innovative young students of the future, our members can feel supported and confident in their transition to the modern workforce.


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